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Company Showcase: Roster – Automating Expense Management for SMEs

Transforming Expense Reporting into a Digital and Paperless Process


In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient expense management is crucial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to thrive. Roster, an innovative startup based in Sesvete, Grad Zagreb, Croatia, is revolutionizing expense management with its automated software. With a mission to digitize and simplify the expense management process, Roster provides a seamless solution for SMEs, helping them save time, money, and effort. In this startup showcase, we explore how Roster is transforming traditional expense reporting into a completely digital and paperless process.

Simplifying Expense Tracking and Reporting

Roster understands the challenges faced by SMEs when it comes to managing expenses. Manual processes can be time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to inefficiencies and delays. With Roster’s automated expense management software, businesses can say goodbye to tedious manual work and embrace a streamlined approach. By leveraging optical character recognition (OCR) technology, Roster allows users to scan and upload receipts directly from their phones, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This feature alone saves valuable time and enhances accuracy in expense tracking.

Centralized Data and Instant Insights

One of the standout features of Roster is its ability to extract and organize essential data from receipts in one centralized place. This organized repository provides users with a comprehensive and at-a-glance view of their expenses. The software categorizes expenses, generates real-time reports, and offers visual analytics, empowering businesses with valuable insights into their financial health. Additionally, Roster ensures seamless collaboration between users and their accounting or finance teams by providing instant access to client accounts. This level of transparency and efficiency enables faster decision-making and improves overall financial management.

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Going Digital and Paperless

Roster’s vision extends beyond merely streamlining expense management—it aims to eradicate the need for paper-based processes altogether. By digitizing invoices and automating expense reporting, Roster is at the forefront of the paperless revolution in the finance industry. SMEs can reduce their environmental footprint, eliminate the costs associated with paper-based systems, and optimize their operations in a more sustainable manner. Roster’s commitment to a greener future resonates with the growing demand for eco-friendly business practices.


Roster’s automated expense management software is a game-changer for SMEs seeking to optimize their financial processes. By eliminating manual work, streamlining expense tracking and reporting, and paving the way for a digital and paperless future, Roster empowers businesses to save time and money while enhancing efficiency. As the finance industry continues to embrace technological advancements, Roster stands out as a startup dedicated to simplifying and transforming expense management for the better.

Website: https://roster.hr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Roster-105908401153926

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tryroster/

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