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Company Showcase: FlashDeal – Revolutionizing B2B Fintech for Retailers

Unlocking Opportunities for Retailers and Manufacturers

Welcome to the FinMag.co.uk Startup Showcase, where we feature innovative companies that are making waves in the world of finance and technology. In this edition, we bring you FlashDeal, a dynamic B2B fintech company based in New Delhi, India. FlashDeal is redefining the way retailers operate by providing them with an app-based mobile recharge facility and access to wholesale supplies. Let’s delve deeper into how FlashDeal is transforming the retail landscape, one retailer at a time.

Revolutionizing B2B Fintech

FlashDeal has embarked on a mission to empower retailers dealing with mobile accessories, general merchandise, gifts, toys, and kitchen utensils. Their platform facilitates seamless connections between retailers and manufacturers, ensuring the best and competitive rates even at low Minimum Order Quantities (MOQ). This enables retailers to enhance their product offerings without straining their budgets, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

App-Based Mobile Recharge Facility

One of FlashDeal’s key offerings is its app-based mobile recharge facility for retailers. By leveraging this feature, retailers can conveniently recharge their customers’ mobile phones, adding an additional revenue stream to their business. This innovative solution not only attracts more customers to the retail shops but also promotes customer loyalty, thereby boosting overall sales and profitability for the retailers.

Wholesale Supplies at Retailers’ Doorsteps

In the past four months, FlashDeal has experienced remarkable success, with over 1500 retailers joining their platform. What’s even more impressive is that 95% of these retailers were acquired through word-of-mouth referrals, eliminating the need for costly advertising. This achievement reflects the high satisfaction levels of existing customers and the trust they place in FlashDeal’s services. Looking ahead, FlashDeal has ambitious plans to expand their reach by acquiring 5000+ retailers pan India, further enriching their B2B business module.

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FlashDeal has emerged as a game-changer in the B2B fintech sector, empowering retailers with app-based mobile recharge facilities and access to wholesale supplies. Their commitment to providing exceptional service, high ROI, and competitive rates has earned them a rapidly growing customer base and made them a preferred partner for retailers and manufacturers alike. As they continue to revolutionize the retail landscape, FlashDeal is undoubtedly a startup to watch in the world of fintech.

Website: https://flashdeal.in

Facebook: https://facebook.com/flashdealIndia

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